The advanced workmanship of antique Chinese sword

Being the arms for possible deadliness, swords imply respect and care. Reconstructed from the weapons of the great kings, an antique Chinese sword personify the incredible workmanship of sword making that brightly display the skills of sword smiths of the Imperial China. Antique Chinese swords are mainly decorated with exclusive and lovely gold and silver inlay on the covering, which is indicative of artistic motifs and also knack of Warring States Period.

Dao, the single-edged kinds of swords are common in the making art of custom sword. The gold covered dragon motif on the fittings of the swords provided in the archaic and traditional style stand for the glory of the Chinese of the medieval period. This stylish dragon design often appears on jade and bronze sword vessels.

Primarily, there are two types of antique Chinese swords. The two of these are Jian and Dao. Jian is a double-edged custom sword was made utilizing bronze and they are shorter in length in respect to the contemporary Jian swords. The regular blades for Jian swords were measured from 26 to 32 inches.

 Dao, the other type of antique Chinese swords, is single-edged. It comes with a curved blade and used to exist around 13th and 14th century.  However, you should avoid superficial rusting caused by too much exposure to moisture. 

Some of the ancient high quality katana types came from the relics of various history and battles that went through in China. Traditional weapons were damaged and destroyed thereby, restorative work was done.The art of making the antique Chinese swords involve an advanced process of heat treatment and forging, ensuring its functionality and beauty. Ever since the old Chinese empires witnessed incredible progress in metallurgy, the creation of Chinese swords was designed with large-scale and effective mastery.   


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